Friday, March 02, 2007

Gold 644 up off of 635...

Here's a pivot study that illustrates an exceeded target.

This is a weekly chart with longer term trend lines.

Every time Gold falls fast we are always looking for the areas of support. Here we have 630 as solid support.

Shorter term a reversal is in the making. In my opinion if gold does not touch 630 it could be a big up.

In our live discussion group URZ has been one of our (my) favorite traders.

At this point this looks like a severe reversal down, some might see an Island reversal? Todays GAP is not good. Sold the last 100 shares today.

Some stocks to study...

NXG MMG MNG GSS are some of my favorite traders and holders

I had NXG as a buy today at 3.06
This text from the Real Time room
Jim AK (3/5/2007 9:49:03 AM EST): BUY NXG I will post some charts on these tomorrow.

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