Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Dark looking chart of the K wave...
Burr it's getting cold.

Gold Daily, still under the dark hand of the crimex...

Gold seems to smell a rate and the gold crowd is ganging up on the Comex and taking delivery
see monday

Gold Sliver Ratio... this is supposed to go to 100 before this crisis is over.

At the ratio rises = more stress on the system. Silver gets sold first in stressful markets.

Good trading and Risk Management

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome back...

Here are some long and short fund charts.

SSO is the 2x S&P fund.


I think we are close.

QQQ did not show the same volume that the SSO did.

Thus not really confirming a low low perhaps



We have been trading this for many gains but it has been tough to hold over night

I think near a top for this.

SRS this has been my favorite play been in and out but did not hold for the big gains due to volatility, intraday moves of 20 to 40 dollars, amazing.

SAME for SKF below

SKF short Banks...

Speaks for itself.

Enjoy and good trading.


Monday, October 20, 2008



Perhaps this airplane can carry the trillions of toxic paper away and drop them in the ocean never to be found.

look for articles by Jim Willie, see

be vary careful.. protect yourself, buy bullion if you can find it.

Do not believe anything you read, see, or hear in the media.

McHugh sees another 2000 point decline in the dow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gold off the bottom, MFN Trade

MFN Bot 5.60 sold 8.82. the markets are psychotic and sick. Have been short and trading SKF well.

Went long near the lows like MFN on several miners, and CEF etc...

Took 20 to 30% profits. My star is KBX iin at .71 up 60% You just can't be afraid to buy jrs when they are down.

Have nice gains bankes.

Good trading gang.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

UPDATE SEPT 2008 gold rebound

Could be a major low...

Possible 3 year run from these lows coming up.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


The Line charts are bullish percents etc. All markets are rolling over, new lows, put/call ratios, vix suggest lower prices for general stocks.

GOLD and gold stocks performed very well while markets went haywire.

You can access these by searching for "$" in the symbol catalog.

Friday was a great day for us, we are short financials and have a stash of QQQ puts.

Looking for a waterfall down as the Fed and pumpers took their last gasp?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Gold Reversal UP

Thanks for all the visits... sorry I have not been around lately...

The long term case for gold is in play and you can add to positions. I have added MFN ABX AEM and other jrs over the last weeks.

It was interesting to note all the letter writers were quite glum in early may and looking for lower prices. Gold sentiment was at 3% bullish at that time.

these chars were created a few days ago...

Enjoy, do you wish you were in oil??

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is this still a top? Deflation or Inflation ahead?

Sorry I don't update more frequently but not much has changed. Gold looks to hold trendline suppport however we may have downside.

Jr. miners still best value.

goldseek, 321gold, and for some of my favorite reads.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

TOP gold 975 - 1000 ?

Silver / Gold ratio...
Speaks volumes to me. perhaps it goes higher but how much?

Below is a daily chart of gold. I believe that the attempt of this breakout has failed. Note the MACD Cross which for many is a sell signal.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Exciting Times Gold $960

Here's Gold from Jan 1, Nice bullish wedge and a break up today

You can create these charts at
click on quote list, then click on the instrument you choose.

Chan on Buy signal for Gold, Accounts only 3 4 % from ATH.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

GOLD trading round number suppport 900

Here's the current look at GOLD.
What is happening here is a typical pause at the 900 level. The weekly looks over bot and MACD weekly could roll over to sell cross, but for now in bullish mode.

I know you regular viewers would appreciate more updates so if you wish to be on my mailing list just send a note to
jimak1 @ gci . net

For now I am adding to JR positions.

Shorting DBA

I have synthetic long positions on HMY and GFI that being short march puts long april calls for a net credit.

Best, Jim

Thursday, January 03, 2008

GOLD 860+ nice!!

Gold blasts off in 2008...
I guess everyone was waiting for the new year to buy.

Not a bad consolidation and breakout.

Do not sell your valuable gold and mining shares except to buy better value.